Life to a Beat!

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LTAB - 8/14/05

We're Back! - time to get Life to a Beat back in gear!

Restart	4:19	-The Rebirth Of Trance-		Trance
The Mystery of El Nido	3:31	Justin Grant 		VG Remix
001_Ending Credits	2:39			VG Remix
chartreuse cactus	3:47	i, cactus	i, cactus	8bitpeoples
Junglisten	3:40	Dipzta	None 	Trance
001_Chrono Trigger - Boss Battle 2.wav	2:44			
FFT Tutorial: Teach Me How to Rave	4:00	General Fujita	request mixes by T Diddy (General Fujita)	VG Remix
agate+alternatealternateagatesbremix	5:49			Trance
expher+farfromnearoriginalmix	8:29		Far From Near (Original Mix)	Trance
BigBlueBeta-REM	2:14	Tenchu		VG Remix
Arctic Breeze - (Trance Versio	4:16	Icebird		LTABdisc
ocean 555	6:47			Trance
North Pole (Oliver Dey Remix)	8:27	Solid Globe	North Pole Remixes Vinyl	Trance